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M270 vs. M270A1 Side by Side Comparison

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These pictures were taken and shared with the web by Don Busack.


I was able to look at the M270A1 up close and personal at the last Mitchell National Guard Open House.  I took the time to photo detail the differences between the M270 and the M270A1.

The M270A1 is a conversion done at the factory.  A company will receive the new units and their old units are hauled back to the factory to be updated and delivered to the next company.

The biggest differences between the two units are internal.  The launch platform is now elevated hydraulically rather than electrically.  This reduces the number of batteries in the unit and greatly reduces the time used to go for traveling to firing.  The engine is also more powerful increasing its top speed.

The next big change is the targeting computer.  The old unit measured distance by counting revolutions of the wheels.  This was fairly accurate, but as the wheels wear, the accuracy goes down.  The new unit uses GPS.  The new unit also has a full keyboard to enter information and is far more versatile.  Mission programming is also much simpler.






Externally there are three differences I found.  The first is related to the new targeting computer.  On the top of the rocket/missile turret there is a GPS antenna.







The other way to tell between the two at a distance are these two bolted on plates directly above the tow cable heads.






The other difference is at the base of the turret in the back.  There are two large grounding straps that are not on the M270.  Although visible externally, you can only see these while looking down into this area.






I will continue to study the pictures from the M270 and the M270A1.  As I find more differences, I will add them to the page.  If anyone else has information to add, please email me.


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