Panzerhaubitze 2000 (PzH 2000)

Any questions, comments, or problems, please email

Pre-production PzH 2000 Photos by Clemens
German PzH 2000 Photos by
Clemens German Pzh
2000 Live Fire Demo by Marcel
German PzH 2000 Photos by Ruud
PzH 2000 Walk Around by Ulrich Wrede
German PzH
2000 Photos by Vojtěch Míček
Dutch PzH
2000 Photos by Ruud
Dutch PzH 2000 Walk Around by Bjorn Dol
Desert Camo PzH2000 Photos by Elmar
Greek PzH
2000 Photos by Pierre
German PzH 2000 Walk Around
by Gert
German PzH 2000 on Faun Transport Walk Around
Vehicle Information
This armored howitzer is one of the most powerful system in
the world. It just take 30 seconds to go from a driving situation to fire
the first round! The first three round have left the muzzle in 9.2 seconds.
After the next 30 seconds the howitzer is ready to change the fire position. At
this moment the German Bundeswehr have 185 pieces. The Greek Army will get
24 pieces, the Dutch Army 57 and Italy 70 vehicles. It is possible that
Norway could get 18 PzH 2000 of former Dutch Army Howitzers. In the future
the Dutch Army will have just 2 mec. Inftr. Bde with 1 Arty Bn each. But
the contract for the delivery was signed at the time when the Netherlands had 3
mec. Inftr. Bde. At this time the (NL) Arty Bn have just 2 Batteries and
in the future each Bn will have 3 Batteries, so they have surplus PzH 2000.
Crew: 5 soldiers - Cmdr., Driver, Gunner + 2 Soldiers (staged crew)
Combat Weight: 55.3 t (MLC 60)
L: 11.66 m
W: 3.58 m
H: 3.46 m
Ground clearance: 0.44 m
Range: ~ 450 km
Vertical obstacle crossing: 1 m
Trench crossing: 3 m
Fording: 1.5 m
Max. gradient: 50 %
Max. road speed: 60 km/h
Engine: MTU MT 881 Ka-500 (V 8 turbocharged diesel)
4 forward and 4 reverse gears
736 kW / 1005 hp
Main armament: 155 mm /L52 cal.
Secondary armament: Loaders MG 7.62 mm MG-3
2 x 4 smoke dischargers
Ammo: 60 x 155 mm rounds
Time for reloading: ~ 11 min.
Organizations of Battle
Here is the structure of a PzH 2000 Battalion
1 - HQ (Headquarters) Battery comprised the staff of the
Battalion and the Combat Service Support (CSS).
3 - PzH 2000 Batteries, each with 6 units (total of 18 per
Since 1 April 2004 the German Bundeswehr have within the
scope to take in the new structure "Heer der Zukunft" = "Army of future" a fifth
battery. It's called Fire Support-Battery (Feuerunterstützungsbatterie).
The main tasks of the FSB is to find targets for the shooting Batteries. For
that reason, they are equipped with surveillance-radars (M113) and
artillery-observer-vehicles (Marder 1A3).
- Clemens Niesner