F-14D (159600) "Christine" Restoration

Any questions, comments, or problems, please email

The OV-10 Bronco Association
At 1550 CST today (Sunday, Feb. 4, 2007), "Christine" the F-14 returned
to Fort Worth at Meacham Field, to cheers and applause from 30 crew and
volunteers and many onlookers. As Jim Bloomberg our aircraft acquisition
specialist and team leader of this effort said tonight, "This was a team effort
and we have a lot of people to thank." You all had a part in saving this F-14
and helping us bring her back here to Fort Worth. Not only was this the longest
serving F-14 in the inventory, as it turned out, it was also the last F-14 to
If you are interested in helping out with this project, here is how -
Help Wanted.doc
To read more about the project, check out their website:
F-14D (159600) Tomcat