Let L-410 Turbolet Photos Page 1

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These pictures were taken and shared with the web by Kevan Vogler .


I took these photos at various locations in the Czech Republic between 2006 and 2008.
In the first three Photos are two L-410Ts and an L-410FG photographic aircraft. All were in active Czech military service at the time of the photos in autumn 2006.
The fourth photo shows an L-410UVP preserved at the Kbely air museum in Prague in summer 2007.
The remaining photos show an early L-410A and the XL-410 prototype preserved at the Kunovice air museum in summer 2008.

- Kevan


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L-410 L-410 L-410 L-410

L-410 L-410 L-410 L-410



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