Fiat G-91R/3 (99+42) Walk Around Page 1

Any questions, comments, or problems, please email me.

These pictures were taken and shared with the web by Ulrich Wrede .


The Gina was used by the Luftwaffe as a fighter-bomber. It was replaced by the Alpha Jet.

- Ulrich


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Fiat G-91R/3 Fiat G-91R/3 Fiat G-91R/3 Fiat G-91R/3

Fiat G-91R/3 Fiat G-91R/3 Fiat G-91R/3 Fiat G-91R/3

Fiat G-91R/3 Fiat G-91R/3 Fiat G-91R/3 Fiat G-91R/3

Fiat G-91R/3 Fiat G-91R/3 Fiat G-91R/3


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