ZG Gubel Photos Page 1

Any questions, comments, or problems, please email me.

These pictures were taken and shared with the web by Günther Neumahr .


The ZG Gubel is an air defence missile base in Zug (zg) with the Bloodhound BL-64. It is one of six bases, and the only complete with nine batteries. It is now a museum and the only complete Bloodhound unit in Europe.

- Günther


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ZG Gubel ZG Gubel ZG Gubel ZG Gubel

ZG Gubel ZG Gubel ZG Gubel ZG Gubel

ZG Gubel ZG Gubel ZG Gubel ZG Gubel

ZG Gubel ZG Gubel ZG Gubel ZG Gubel

ZG Gubel ZG Gubel ZG Gubel ZG Gubel


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