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Panzer 68/88 Walk Around Page 1

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These pictures were taken and shared with the web by Güunther Neumahr .


The Panzer 68 is an upgrade to the Panzer 61 produced by the K+W Thun. They were ordered in 1968 - 170 tanks, and in 1974 - 50 tanks. In 1975 and 1981 the turret was upgraded and the tank name was changed to Panzer 68/75. The newest upgrade was in 1988 to 195 units. They were then called the Panzer 68/88. Since 2004, all are out of duty.

- Günther


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Panzer 68/88 Panzer 68/88 Panzer 68/88 Panzer 68/88

Panzer 68/88 Panzer 68/88 Panzer 68/88 Panzer 68/88

Panzer 68/88 Panzer 68/88 Panzer 68/88 Panzer 68/88

Panzer 68/88 Panzer 68/88 Panzer 68/88 Panzer 68/88

Panzer 68/88 Panzer 68/88 Panzer 68/88 Panzer 68/88


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