Giacomo Gramazio's Photos
Any questions, comments, or problems, please email
These pictures were taken and graciously shared with Prime
Portal and the internet community by Giacomo Gramazio.
Thank you Giacomo!
Aerfer Sagittario 2
Ansaldo AC-2
C-47A-40-DL (14-45) Skytrain
Caproni CA.3
DH-113 (MM6152) Vampire NF54
Fiat G-59-4B (MM53276)
Fiat G-80-3B (MM53882) G-91Y Macchi C.205
P-51D-25-NA (RR-11) Mustang
RT-33A-1-LO (9-35) Shooting Star
Sachs Hercules Motorbike T-6G
Tornado ADV (36-12)